
Different Relaxation Techniques For Men and Women


Men and Women are different.

They are different in how they manage stress and anxiety.

For example man’s natural reaction when under stress tends towards fight or flight, where women’s natural reaction is to nurturing.

Here are two individual bases of tricks for men and women to recover lifelike stress relief and relaxation
techniques to fit them specifically.

Sample relaxation technique:

Relaxation Techniques for Women
· Make anything that is about you and no-body else. Take a long warm bath, go for a walk, go shopping with a dear friend or read a book.
· When you’re sensing truly stressed it’s crucial to consider yourself and how the stress is impacting your own wellness. Women tend to get into the superwomen cape and try to do overmuch for too many people forgetting about themselves. Say no
· Look fore someone who can be your ‘Rock’ in times of stress or anxiety that can assist you to relax and feel balanced. Surround yourself with friends and family that help you to balance yourself.
· Find a friend you can confide in and trust to talk things through.
· Tell people your story and let them know why you are so stressed.
Relaxation Techniques for Men
· Men can release stress and anxiety by doing something physical like running, going to the gym or any sport that gets the blood pumping and frees tension and adrenaline.
· Men like to ‘go it alone’ sometimes to have some time by themselves, like hiking, fishing or other solo activities.
· Go out and play some sport, or any team activity that lets a guy escape their stress and is a good way to slow down.
· Even while relationships are really significant to women doesn’t imply men shouldn’t have friends they can entrust in. It is significant to have someone there that they can trust.

A good relaxation plan can turn out to be a useful Natural Stress Relief technique for both men and women. Relaxation plans give you integrated techniques to freeing built up stress and anxiety to receive true stress relief.


How to Maximize Your Sleep

Sleep isn’t optional, your sleep environment is, and making sure you’re resting under optimum conditions puts you in control of your sleep cycle and energy state.” “You could not be able to sleep longer, but you can surely sleep better.”

When eight hours isn’t possible, it’s significant to maximize the sleep you do get to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Quality sleep improves concentration, increases memory function and reduces stress, although keeping diabetes and hypertension at bay.

-->For a sample relaxation technique for a relaxing night’s sleep:

Make it the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same clock time every day. Making this, along with qualifying catnaps, can help set your internal clock so it senses natural to fall asleep at a exact clock time.

Limit your caffeine consumption. The effects of caffeine can last up to 12 hours and can prevent your capacity to fall and stay asleep. Anyone who on a regular basis tosses and moves around at night should reflect getting rid of some or all caffeine from their diet.

Get lot of physical exercise during the day, but rather not within three hours before you go to sleep to give your body a chance to relax and cool down.

Make certain your chamber is dark, silence and cool. Close down the curtains and, if requisite, apply a sleep mask or earplugs. Turn down the temperature in your sleeping room before going to bed as cooler temperatures can help maximize sleep.

Establish a bedtime routine. Doing the same thing every evening can provide a calming effect best for sleeping. For instance, you could have a cup of tea, read a book or listen to music.

Relaxation Techniques at Work

Whatever type of work you do Relaxation Techniques at Work can be part of a positive work environment and is very much appreciated.

With the modern pressures of working many people experience neck and shoulder problems from continued work at computers and this can lead to headaches and other problems.

Massage at work offers a quick and convenient way to break this cycle and can offer an opportunity for you to return to work feeling mentally and physically reinvigorated for the day.
· The massage is conducted through clothes so no messy oil is used and the client does not need to undress.
· Sessions can be tailor-made to the client. Options can be chosen between 15, 20, and 30 minutes for a massage.
· The massage is conducted on a chair and focuses on the upper body, neck and shoulder areas.

1. Power yourself up with breakfast before work.
2. Laughter is still the best medicine. Even stress can be defeated with a laugh!
3. Plan ways to change positions during work tasks. This could include using a chair rather than standing or simply readjusting your approach to your job activity.
4. Make sure the chair’s adjustable to suit your moods and needs.
5. Rotate jobs or share work duties. This can be fun by offering a new work setting, and it allows the body to recover from the demands of the previous job task.
6. Contribute a few minutes of your time to Clean Up Your Desk
7. Use Headphones either to listen to relaxing music or block out ambient noise.
8. Have a portable fan ready. Switch it on when your body – and maybe your temper, too – need cooling. Close your eyes and enjoy the breeze. When you open your eyes, you’re sure to feel much better.
9. Have a Fountain Nearby, you’ll be soothed by the pleasant sound of running water.

That’s it for now. Use these tips regularly to relax in the workplace and see your productivity skyrocket.

These however might provide more excitement than relaxation...

Try These hints for relaxation at work:
· Answer the phone clucking like a chicken or baying like a hound. ( for the more cautious, use someone else's phone)
· Climb under your desk - don't come out.
· Lie on your back on the floor and balance a ping-pong ball on a column of air blown from your mouth.
· Enact a scene from Pinnochio when he tells a lie and his nose grows under the fairy's spell.
· Present a puppet show using just paper clips, erasers and pencils etc.
· Recite a poem by John M. Bennett in a wobbly falsetto
· Use the white-out to give yourself a clown's smiley face and peer over cubicle dividers making a swishing noise with your mouth.


Neck Relaxation Techniques

Emotional stress can increase neck tension and interfere with or delay the recovery process. Reducing stress may help to prevent a recurrence of neck pain. Neck Relaxation techniques can relieve musculoskeletal tension.

When it's time to work on relaxing the muscle groups in your neck, you may find the following sample relaxation technique suggestions to be beneficial:

1. Raise and lower your eyebrows
2. Smile
3. Frown
4. Open and close your jaw
5. Move your head side to side
6. Move your head forward and back

Relieve the tension in the neck muscles by stretching these muscles. For this exercise, bend the neck down slowly to the left and right as far as you can, flexing and stretching the muscles. Finally, rotate your head in a smooth, circular motion.
Carrying out physical exercises relieves the tension that has built up over the day, improving our physical condition.
Activities and body positions that prevent or reduce neck pain include those that emphasize a neutral neck position. Extremes of range of motion, activities, and body positions that cause constant tension should be minimized or avoided:
· Avoid sitting in the same position for prolonged periods of time. Take periodic five minute breaks.
· Avoid placing pressure over the upper back with backpacks, over-the-shoulder purses, or children riding on your shoulders.
· Do not perform overhead work for prolonged periods at a time.
· Maintain good posture by holding your head up and keeping your shoulders back and down
· Use the car or chair arm rests to keep the arms supported,
· Sleep with your neck in a neutral position. If you sleep on your back, putting a pillow under the knees can help to flatten the spine and relax the neck muscles. Avoid sleeping on the stomach with the head turned.
· Carry heavy objects close to your body rather than with outstretched arms.